The $58.5 million North Andover High
School Project involves plans for the complete demolition of the building
and construction of a new building in North Andover, Massachusetts.
To support the proposed demolition, Environmental & Construction
Management Services, Inc. (ECMS) was retained by the project architect
DiNisco Design Partnership, Limited to conduct an investigative survey
and Construction Administration in the areas of proposed renovation. ECMS’
scope of services included all hazard assessments, remedial design, and
construction management activities related to asbestos-containing materials
and lead-based paint.
The purpose of the Phase I Environmental
Site Assessment was to determine the history of the property, including
current and former ownership and use and evaluate the Site for evidence
of oil and/or hazardous materials that are, have been, or potentially
could be released onto the Site or in the vicinity of the Site. A Site
reconnaissance visit for the property was also performed by ECMS
qualified personnel to document current Site conditions with respect to
the presence of any oil and or hazardous materials (OHM).
To support the proposed demolition activities,
ECMS conducted an investigative survey for asbestos-containing
materials (ACM) and lead-based paint (LBP) throughout the building.
ECMS provided hazardous material
abatement design plans and specifications necessary to facilitate the
demolition required.
ECMS is also providing project administrative
and construction management support including compliance supervision,
inspections of contractor activities, and air quality monitoring during
abatement operations.